Weight loss journey

I woke up recently and realized I was harming myself. By what I ate, how I slept, my sedentary lifestyle, and hobbies. Basicly everything I was doing was contributing to an all around feeling of ill health. Even though nothing I was doing was on the really unhealthy list. I didn’t drink sodas, smoke, or consume alcohol more than once a week. None the less my BMI was 29.9 and I felt a mental fog that was more than just depression stimulated.

Come January 1st I knew I had to make a change. So for the first time in my life I made a new years resolution. I would loose weight this year. How? I did not know yet. But, I had to. It was time.

So, January 6th we bought a treadmill. I started slogging away on that three times a week for that first month. By February I had lost 5 lbs and was starting to get discouraged. I felt much healthier at least. I had to admit that. But the truth of the matter was that I was hoping for drastic and immediate change that wasn’t happening. (surprise!)

February 9th I started on Isagenix. This got more immediate results in connection with the exercise, and by March 1st I had lost another 10 lbs. But, now the weight loss was slowing down. By the end of the second month I had only gotten down another 5 lbs and had mostly plateued.

Now, I can hear some of you saying this is great progress! I know I should be happy that I am still continuing to loose weight. My concern is that the things I am doing to accomplish this are not going to be lasting changes. I can’t stay on Isagenix for the rest of my life. We couldn’t afford it and I am quite honestly so sick of the shakes and cleanse by now that I wouldn’t mind if I never had them again!!

And, here I am, 4 month in to my weight loss journey and wondering if I can make it stick!

What is my solution? A few things…

  1. Let go of my serious expectations and let God set some. I am undenigably doing this in my own power. I cannot say that I am resting in God for this even a little bit! While I’m not giving up, I am letting myself have some peace in all of this.
  2. Practice some meditation type relaxation for my days. I am going to try to get up a little earlier and start some scripture memory/meditation for my mornings to see if it can’t help me center some of my stress.
  3. Yoga and streaching more than all the running and reps.
  4. Intermitent fasting. To have an eating regimn that I can be more applied to for a lifestyle change. Limiting portions and not snacking is really hard for this stay at home mom. It’s easier for me to just miss meals, drink lots of water, and have healthy content when I do eat.

I’ll keep you posted on how things go and if the weight loss continues or not. For now I\m focusing on some serious positivity for my sorry and negative mind.

Daniel 1 is always the scripture I go to when I need some focus for what I’m doing with my body. Some people see in it a helpful insight into veggetarianism, but I don’t see that in the emphasis of the text. The food from the kings table was sacrificed and sacred for the king alone and those who ate of it were thought to be blessed by their gods. So, when Daniel asks them to let him only be given veggetables it was to avoid eating food sacrificed to idols. And it was shocking to the eunachs that they were healthier because they didn’t think this could be possible. But, Gods ways are higher than our ways. And to be faithful to His commands is better than all the pleasures of this earth.

My prayer is to have the resolve and faithfulness of Daniel to be mindful of even the things that go into my mouth for the glory of God!

6 thoughts on “Weight loss journey

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  1. Praying for you on your journey to being healthy! I need to do alot more watching what I’m eating, exercising more and relaxing (resting) also! Pray for me too lol!! Blessings to you! ❤

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